Decree No. (19) of 2020 Ratifying the Joint Customs Cooperation Agreement between the Customs Affairs of the Kingdom of Bahrain and the General Customs Authority of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the Mutual Recognition of the Economic Operators Programme Approved by Each of Them
Law N. (5) of 2020 Ratifying the Convention regarding Cooperation in Customs Matters Between the Government of the Kingdom of Bahrain and the Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt
Law No. (9) of 2018 Ratifying the Convention between the Government of the Kingdom of Bahrain and the Government of the Republic of Tunisia on Mutual Administrative Assistance for the Prevention, Investigation, and Reprimand (Punishment) of Customs Violations
Law No. (11) of 2016 ratifying the Second Protocol amending the Free Trade Agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of Bahrain and the Government of the United States of America
Law No. (13) of 2014 Ratifying the Protocol on Trade Preferential System Rules of Origin Among The Member States Of The Organization of the Islamic Cooperation
Law No. 17 of 2012 ratifying the convention between the Government of the Kingdom of Bahrain and the Government of the Republic of Turkey regarding cooperation and Mutual assistance in customs matters
Law No. (2) 2012 approving the accession to the International Convention on the Simplification and Harmonization of Customs Procedures ("Kyoto Amended Convention")
Decree No. (40) of 2011 ratifying the agreement between the government of the Kingdom of Bahrain and the government of the United States of America regarding mutual assistance between the customs services of both countries
Decree No. (41) of 2011 ratifying the joint declaration of intent between the Customs Administration in the Kingdom of Bahrain and the Customs Administration in the Federal Republic of Germany regarding building capacity and experience